I volunteer to be placed on the list of farm gyms. Anyone is welcome to come and rake leaves or trim branches or clean flower beds or weed the garden! For your health!

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lol!! That's genius. We should just have a neighborhood list of people who are willing to 'host' and also join the roving group of yard-work-exercisers!

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This one had me giggling out loud and, of course, came on the day I'm stuck reading it in the waiting room of the Hyundai service department. Folks are looking at me.

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This was my entire goal. Service department giggling. 100% achieved.

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Whenever I see predictions in the mainstream media I wonder why they’re trying to point us there. They’re always a little suspicious to me.

Now your idea of a farm gym...I’m totally in!!!!

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Yeah totally - most of the predictions have either some self-interest in forcing them forward, or the forecasters gather some 'credibility' by making the predictions themselves. Not THIS list though! No credibility sought here, lol!

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